
Products & Businesses

Are Made & Die Every Day...

Having a good product and a well established organization are not enough to guarantee longevity for a business. 

The life force necessary to survival is a healthy customer base, but even with consumerist tendencies in high frequency, connection is at an all time low. This leaves space for businesses to capture the mind and heart of customers in a lasting way. Excellent branding is the source of a healthy stream of loyal customers. 

A great brand does not exist in an asset deck and mission statement alone. It is the extracted elements of a product and organization that customers connect most to. It is the golden thread woven into all communications, visuals, interactions, projects and deliverables that reverberates a message promising the customer or would-be shopper that what they say they value through their purchasing power is not taken for granted, that they can count on it. 

Products and businesses are made and die every day. Great brands never go away- their customers make sure of that.  


Experience that Works for Your Brand

With over a decade of experience in a combination of both B2C and B2B business divisions paired with an obsession for brand development and communication that makes the register seamlessly ring, it is my hope to be an asset to your brand. 

Whether you need a Sr. Brand Manager, Director of Marketing, oversight and execution of a website rebuild, Director of Sales Training and Pitch Curator, or any of the other project management roles listed below, I can bring experience to your meeting table. 

Please browse below and reach out if you are interested in amplifying the reach of your brand through any task or role that you may hire me to fill.     

Employement History

Director of Sales Training | Real Time Pain Relief


September 2013 – May 2016

Developed a product pitch and brand approach to marketing a topical pain relief formula. Created training events, webinars and materials to train over 500 team members in the approach. Through this method, the company went from 8k online customers to over 200k. 

Director of Retail Marketing & Merchandising | Real Time Pain Relief

June 2016 - June 2020

Created and implemented inexpensive, brand centric marketing strategies that took online sales in a single division from $120k a year to an average of over $2 Million annually. I also coordinated and orchestrated the design of all merchandising items including displays, print pieces as well as digital art.

Additionally, I wrote the script and produced multiple commercials for both product and brand centered videos as well as those featuring sports figures such as an Olympic Gold Medalist, Heavyweight Champion of the World, and an iconic Running Coach. These videos were seen by millions of viewers and opened new demographics to the company's base.

Director of Database Marketing | Real Time Pain Relief


June 2020 - June 2023

Grew into an expanded role in which, I was responsible for planning, developing, implementing, and monitoring multi-division data-base marketing.

As the Director of Database Marketing, some of my duties included preparation of all promotions, marketing materials and mailings, oversight of 40+ emails going out each month (all freshly customized to the location of the customers journey), creation of over 20 direct mail catalogs and 75+ virtual catalogs. 

Working with an entirely virtual team, I implemented the creation of a team management system that reduced hiring needs and allowed the company to rely on $10 an hour freelance workers with a system and level of oversight that increased the quality of work being delivered and team member satisfaction.

Sr. Brand Manager & Spokesperson | Real Time Pain Relief


 June 2021 - June 2023

Having long prioritized bringing the loved aspects of brand to life through connecting copy and vivid images, I was excited to take on the title of Sr. Brand Manager. Through this position I was responsible for envisioning and maintaining the resources needed for cross-division communication of a coordinated brand look, feel and message. This was accomplished through label redesigns, oversight of a website rebuild (which was completed in just 6 weeks!), management of all images and copy produced and cross division team management. 

Special care was taken to keep the brand familiar yet bring on the best and most loved features and connection points.

Additionally, utilizing engaging and straightforward communication, partnered with compelling visuals, I operated as a central company spokesman and representative as new teams were brought in, and brand decks were shared with major buying groups.

Partner with Me to Bring Your Brand to Life.

If you have a job or role that you would like to discuss, just click the following button and drop your contact info.


 I will be in touch soon!